Thank you for your interest in purchasing a Vanjust/Luvruc/Dehuene herd addition! We take great pride in our breeding program and stand behind every animal sold. Please note: We reserve the option to purchase 20 straws of semen for the cost of collection.
2022 Breedings/2023 Kiddings
All plans are Tentative and subject to change.
Available Kids will be listed here:
At this time we do not have any kids available for sale. Keep checking back!!
Doe Sire Price
SGCH Vanjust TA Bramble 3*M Sublime DM Night Lights N/A
Luvruc 3GS Go Frost Yourself CH Vanjust DJ Keeper 2nd Doe only 500
Vanjust LEE Jasmeet Sublime DM Night Lights Bucks Only 600
GCH Luvruc OBD Keeley 2*M Vanjust VJB Pumpkin Seed 700
GCH Luvruc OBD Khaleesi 5*M Sublime DM Night Lights 700
GCH Vanjust DJ Kotton Kandie 2*M Sublime DM Night Lights NO KIDS AVAIL
Luvruc LEE Kadey Goating Around Diesel 500
Gonna Bee Chickasaw Kola 8*M CH Vanjust DJ Keeper 500
GCH Luvruc OBK Chattanooga Lucy 5*M CH Vanjust DJ Keeper 2nd doe 700
Vanjust OBRH Lahini Goating Around Diesel 2nd doe 700
Luvruc PL Mistress of Music Goating Around Diesel 600
Dehuene VL Muffet Sublime DM Night Lights 2nd doe 600
Dehuene LL McConaughey Goating Around Diesel 600
Vanjust PL Malfunction CH Vanjust DJ Keeper 2nd doe 500
Dehuene VMH No Name CH Vanjust VDA Hayze NO KIDS AVAIL
Vanjust DM Niaish Vanjust SNL Porsche 2nd doe 500
Luvruc LD Nashville North Gardenview OBB Night Cap 2nd doe 500
Dehuene VM Nostalgia Sublime DM Night Lights 2nd doe/No bucks 400
Vanjust PL Ncandescence Sublime DM Night Lights 3rd Doe 500
Dehuene VMH Nightmare Gardenview OBB Night Cap 2nd Doe 400
Vanjust TD Nutter Butter Ober-Boerd RumRunner No Does/2nd Buck 500
Dehuene PL Nordhavn Vanjust SNL Porsche 3rd doe 500
Luvruc TTMG North West Goating Around Diesel 2nd doe 600
Vanjust TH Nefertari (SABLE) Stonecreek JZ Moosetracks (SABLE) 600
All Does out of First Fresheners $400
FF Bred to Vanjust SNL Porsche: 2nd does only
Vanjust PL Peppermint Patty
Luvruc VK Priyanka
Snow View KRY Pirouette (black)
Vanjust DM Tenacious P
FF Bred to Vanjust VJB Pumpkin Seed
Vanjust SNL Persephone
Dehuene GAD Pokemon
Half Barn Farm VLX Pandemonium
Duhuene GAD Love Phern
Dehuene SNL Phoebe
Vanjust TTMG Paisley
Dehuene VM Pikachu
Vanjust GVFNC Phlashy
Dehuene GVFNC Pseudonym
Vanjust GAD Patina
Dehuene SNL Precious
Luvruc VK Primavera